Alex Hu
Full Stack Developer, Competitive Programmer, and a Student
Passionate about new technologies, building exciting products,
competitive programming, fitness and communities.
Skills in my Tool Box
T3 as my preferred stack for personal projects
NextJS as my Frontend Framework
Typescript as my main language
Tailwind CSS as my CSS framework
Chakra UI if I need a components library
tRPC as my API layer
Prisma as my ORM for my database
Tools I have used in a professional context
Laravel @PAC Digital
Node & Express & Websockets & Jest @PAC Digital
JIRA & Bitbucket @PAC Digital
Highly Performant C++ @Akuna Capital
Docker & Gitlab @Akuna Capital
Other Technical Skills I am confident in
C++ as my competitive programming language
MongoDB & Mongoose from previous Projects
AWS technologies most notably AWS Lambda and DynamoDB from Discountly
...more skills include javascript, reactjs, being really good at cooking
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